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Is Ketamine Therapy Right for You? 5 Questions to Ask Your Doctor

Feb 13


What is Ketamine Therapy?

Ketamine therapy is a relatively new form of treatment that has recently become popular for treating mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. The drug ketamine was originally developed as an anesthetic in the 1960s but its off-label use for psychiatric treatment has seen it gaining attention in recent years. 

When administered intravenously or intramuscularly by a qualified medical professional, ketamine can help to reduce symptoms of mental health disorders quickly and efficiently. How it works remains unknown but it is believed to work on glutamate receptors in the brain which are involved with mood regulation. Unlike other forms of psychotherapy like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) where results often take some time to show up, patients undergoing ketamine therapy report feeling its effects within one hour of administration.

What Conditions Can Benefit From Ketamine Therapy?

Ketamine therapy is a rapidly growing area of mental health treatment that has been used for decades as an anesthetic before recently being identified as a possible treatment for various psychiatric conditions. Ketamine works by blocking certain receptors in the brain, and it is thought to be able to reduce symptoms related to depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and substance use disorders.

While ketamine has been used since the 1960s as an intravenous sedative in medical settings such as dentistry or surgery, the drug has more recently been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in treating severe depression. In these cases, ketamine therapy typically involves receiving injections of low doses of the drug during infusions over several weeks while under supervision from a qualified healthcare provider.

What are the Side Effects of Ketamine?

While Ketamine has been found to be effective at treating many conditions, there are some potential short-term and long-term risks associated with its use.

The most common side effects of ketamine include dizziness, confusion, nausea, and vomiting. In rare cases, people may experience hallucinations or feelings of detachment from reality. Additionally, those who take high doses of ketamine may develop a tolerance to it over time which can lead to physical dependence and addiction. Long-term use can also result in changes in the brain’s chemistry that could cause memory loss and impair cognitive function.

How do I Know If Ketamine Therapy Right For Me?

To make an informed decision about ketamine therapy, start by talking with your doctor. They can recommend if ketamine therapy might be beneficial based on your diagnosis and lifestyle. It’s important to discuss any potential side effects as well as possible drug interactions with other medications that you may be taking. In addition, ask your doctor or therapist about any necessary preparation before undergoing treatment such as reducing alcohol consumption or avoiding certain foods.

How Long Will Treatment Last?

The duration of ketamine therapy is highly individualized and depends on the severity and complexity of the condition. Generally, most people experience an initial response to the treatment within 24-48 hours while continuing to improve over the following days or weeks. Depending on the condition being treated, it could take two to six sessions to see results that are sustained over time — but this will depend on each individual's unique situation. Additionally, ongoing maintenance treatments may be recommended by your provider to assess whether further ketamine infusions are necessary.

How Much Does Ketamine Therapy Cost?

The price of ketamine therapy can vary depending on the provider and location. In general, sessions typically range between $400-600 per visit. These visits may last up to an hour in length with additional monitoring before and after the session. The total number of sessions may range from six to twelve depending on individual needs and response to the drug. Additionally, some providers offer packages that include multiple visits at a reduced rate which can help offset overall costs for patients receiving long term care.

Is Katamine Therapy Covered By Insurance?

The answer is: It depends. Depending on your specific plan, some insurers may provide coverage for ketamine therapy, while others might not. This means it's important to check with your insurance provider first before making any decisions about using ketamine therapy as a form of treatment. Additionally, it's important to note that many providers require preauthorization prior to administering the procedure in order to be eligible for reimbursement. 

When discussing potential coverage with your insurance company, make sure you understand all the details including the out-of-pocket costs you will have to pay if the procedure isn't covered by your policy.


In conclusion,ketamine therapy is a new and increasingly popular form of treatment that can be used to treat depression, PTSD, and other mental health conditions. Before beginning ketamine therapy, it is important to understand the potential risks and benefits associated with the treatment. To ensure the safest experience possible, reach out to your doctor and ask them these five essential questions. Additionally, make sure to do your own research on ketamine therapy so you can make an educated decision on whether or not this treatment is right for you.  For a free Ketamine Therapy consultation contact Dr. O "TheTeenDoc" at 650-762-9069 or [email protected].