Life Elevated Psychiatry Mental health
The act or procedure of managing medications and therapy is known as medication management. It's an important aspect of medicine use that can help prevent medication mistakes and adverse drug events (ADEs).
Medication management entails many stages, such as: order processing, medication storage, preparation for administration, medication administration, patient counseling on drug interactions and potential adverse effects, correct documentation in the prescription record, medication reconciliation, medicine waste disposal (if applicable), medicine forecasting and replenishment
The medicine management procedure may begin before the patient receives the pills. It begins with order processing, which includes procedures to guarantee that all required information is supplied by the prescriber or ordering health care professional to ensure effective drug therapy.
After a prescription is obtained, medication administration continues with the storage of the medicine for patient use. Storage involves keeping medication at home, transporting it and storing it in a health care facility. Proper medication storage helps reduce ADEs and medication errors.
The medication management near me process also includes medication preparation, which is the act of getting an individual medication ready for patient use. Preparation can involve preparing multiple doses or preparing a dose that will be administered at the bedside (a unit-dose medication). The medical professional must always verify the medication before administration to ensure medication reconciliation.
Medication reconciliation helps prevent medication errors because it involves reconciling all medication a patient is currently taking with the medication the physician intends to prescribe. This step allows for a review of medication allergies, medication interactions and previous side effects that may be caused by the new medication.
Utah Psychiatry also known as Life Elevated Psychiatry is your go to for medication management and any other mental health issue you may have. Get help and elevate your mental health.