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What Do Psychotherapy & Counseling Have in Common?

Oct 25

Which one do you require: a counsellor or a psychotherapist? When people decide to pursue counseling, it's one of the most commonly requested questions.

When it comes to counseling and psychotherapy, the truth is that it's a bit of a gray area. While there is a clear distinction between psychotherapy and counseling in certain countries, such as the United States, there is a clear overlap in training and practice in the United Kingdom.

Therapists can have differing perspectives on what constitutes a difference, and there are therapists who are qualified to practice both. Some psychotherapists may prefer to refer to themselves as counsellors rather than therapists since they believe it is a less threatening name.


Any type of talking treatment can be referred to as counseling. What is the difference between talk therapy and counseling? Sharing your concerns with someone trained to listen and respond in a way that helps you better understand yourself and others in a safe, supportive atmosphere. Talking therapies assist you in identifying more effective methods for leading a fulfilling life.

Counseling encompasses all types of conversation therapy. However, the phrase is most commonly applied to talk treatments that focus on your behavioral patterns. These are the decisions and activities you are now making that have led to the current state of your life.

It's possible that your past will come up in counseling. Counseling, on the other hand, is primarily concerned with assisting you with your current problems.

Counseling is frequently referred to be "temporary" or "short-term." To put it another way, you and your therapist decide how many sessions you will work together during your initial meeting, which can range from 12 to 24 weeks or longer. Counseling can be fairly planned, with an agenda laid out ahead of time, due to the shorter duration.

Counseling is most typically used to address issues that are causing a client stress, whether it is daily challenges at home or at work, or a traumatic event like a breakup, divorce, or bereavement. Counseling can also assist with concerns such as self-esteem and addiction.

Counseling is available for individuals, couples, families, and groups.

Counseling is a term used to describe several types of talk therapy and include:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy is a type of psychotherapy that involves using (CBT)
  • Individualized treatment (also called humanistic therapy)
  • Therapy for couples
  • Counseling on the whole (a blend of various approaches)


Psychotherapy, like counseling, refers to a variety of talking therapies in which you can express your concerns and be heard and supported in finding solutions. Psychotherapy, like counseling, focuses on the behavioral patterns that are giving you problems in your daily life.

However, by looking at your past, psychotherapy can help you gain a deeper understanding of your feelings. It inquires as to how your childhood and adolescent experiences influenced you in ways that may be causing you problems now.

Psychotherapy seeks to get to the root of your problems and challenges, rather than just how to deal with them right now.

Some types of psychotherapy delve deeply into self-examination, examining issues like identity and beliefs.

Long-term psychotherapy might last anything from six months to many years.

However, some novel psychotherapy offshoots that are shorter versions of lengthier psychotherapy models have emerged. Like certain types of counseling, short-term psychotherapy can be extremely regimented. Long-term psychotherapy tends to work with what comes up in each session rather than imposing a format or a long-term plan for your therapy's path.

Psychotherapy can be used to address a wide range of problems. It can help with current concerns such as stress, relationship problems, bereavement, sexual problems, and addictions, much like counseling does. It also addresses mental illnesses such as depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder, as well as personality disorders such as OCD and avoidant personality disorder. And psychotherapy doesn't simply address current concerns; it also addresses old traumas such as abuse and neglect as a youngster.

Couples, families, and groups can all benefit from psychotherapy.

'Psychotherapy' refers to a variety of talk therapy techniques, including:

  • Psychodynamic psychotherapy is a type of psychotherapy that uses the principles
  • Existential psychotherapy is a type of psychotherapy in which the patient
  • Psychoanalytic psychotherapy is a type of psychotherapy that uses psychoanalysis to treat
  • Psychotherapy based on Jungian theory
  • Dialectical behavior therapy is a type of behavior treatment
  • Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)
  • Psychotherapy with an integrative focus (a blend of approaches)

Psychotherapy can be broken down into two types:

  • Cognitive-behavioral treatment (CBT) (an offshoot of cognitive and psychoanalytic theory)
  • Interpersonal counseling that is dynamic (an offshoot of psychodynamic and psychoanalytic theory)

Psychotherapy vs. Counselling

  • Feelings, beliefs, and thoughts are all explored in both of these films.
  • Both emphasize the need of establishing a secure and encouraging atmosphere.
  • Both aid in your self-awareness.
  • Both aid in the comprehension of others.
  • Both will assist you in making better decisions and progressing in your life.
  • Working with a therapist who has completed at least three years of training is required in both cases.


  • Action and behavior counseling is more likely. Short-term counseling is more likely to focus on current issues rather than past difficulties in focused counseling.
  • Psychotherapy typically lasts longer than a cycle of counseling.
  • Counseling is less likely than psychotherapy to be in-depth.
  • Psychotherapy is more likely to look into the past as well as the present. It is also more likely to look at childhood fundamental issues rather than merely behavioral patterns.
  • Your therapist must have completed at least four years of training in order to provide psychotherapy. Psychotherapy can help with long-term mental health problems and disorders.

Leaving aside the above-mentioned parallels and contrasts, comparing psychotherapy and counseling remains a muddy world. A psychotherapist may work with a counsellor in a psychotherapeutic manner. As part of a larger therapy strategy, a psychotherapist may provide counseling.

So, Should I See A Therapist Or A Counsellor?

Despite the fact that psychotherapy training takes a year or two longer than counseling therapy training, more years of training does not always equate to a better therapist. In addition, most counsellors and psychotherapists receive extra training after receiving their initial accreditation.

The perfect therapist for you is one who matches your personality, needs, and problems.

Do I want a short-term therapy that focuses primarily on my thoughts and actions (CBT), a short-term therapy that focuses primarily on my relationships (Dynamic interpersonal therapy or Cognitive analytical therapy), therapy in which I set the agenda (Person-centered therapy), or therapy that leads me to deeply explore all of who I am (Existential psychotherapy)? Do I prefer a male or female therapist, someone who is compassionate or forceful, someone with a sense of humor or someone who is quiet and reserved?

Whether or not you've tried other types of therapy has an impact on the type of therapy you require. If you've had years of psychotherapy and have a good grasp of yourself, you might only require a round of action-oriented counseling. If you've never attempted therapy before and are having trouble resolving issues, a more open-ended therapy that helps you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and create self-confidence could be life-changing.

You don't marry your therapist, remember! You have every right to be honest with a counsellor or psychotherapist if they aren't the appropriate fit for you.

What matters most, regardless of terminology, is that you obtain the help you need and take the initial step toward scheduling a session with a therapist. Regardless of what your therapist labels him or herself, it will definitely be a voyage of self-discovery and healing for you.